Digital Video
2008-2013 at Technische Universität München (Teaching Assistant)
The course Digital Video (Bachelor level) consists of a lecture integrated with tutorials and Matlab programming problems, a poster presentation, and a hands-on film team project. Together with Klaus Diepold and Martin Rothbucher, I developed this new version based on the previous lecture-only format of Digital Video. The main goal we achieved was the increased practical application and transfer of theoretical knowledge to practical problems, in this case by applying and transferring basic concepts of digital video processing to the creation of a short 10-15 minute film. Moreover, the students gained first project management and extended team work experience during the course.
For the support and supervision, Martin Rothbucher and I received the TUM student’s association best teaching award for the course in 2011. Also the results of the evaluation by the students of the course were above average in each semester.
We extended this concept in 2011 to the interdisciplinary “Zwei in einem Boot” (Two in one boat) by including students studying towards a master degree in education from TUM’s School of Education. In this extended concept, the education students were supervising the engineering students as part of their course work: on the one hand supporting them in the soft-skills aspects of the project, but on the other hand also practising their own skills and competence. Hence both student groups benefited from this joint approach.
“Zwei in einem Boot” was subsequently awarded a prize (50000 EUR) for innovative teaching concepts in 2012 by the Stifterverband der Deutschen Wirtschaft, one among only 15 selected concepts out of 210 applications Germany-wide.