Video quality evaluation with subjective testing is both time consuming and expensive. A promising new approach to traditional testing is the so-called crowdsourcing, moving the testing effort into the Internet. The advantages of this approach are not only the access to a larger and more diverse pool of test subjects, but also the significant reduction of the financial burden. Extending this approach to tablets, allows us not only to assess video quality in a realistic environment for an ever more important use case, but also provides us with a well-defined hardware platform, eliminating on of the main drawbacks of crowdsourced video quality assessment. One prerequisite, however, is the support of lossless coding on the used tablets. We therefore examine in this contribution the performance of lossless video codecs on the iPad platform. Our results show, that crowdbased video testing is already feasible for CIF-sized videos on tablets, but also that there may be limits for higher resolution videos.